Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Episode 5: The Best Policy

Episode 5 has been completed!  It's a Fluttershy episode, with vital appearances from all of the other main ponies.

SYNOPSIS:  Applejack advises Fluttershy to be more honest about her feelings, as she believes that honesty is the key to solving problems.  However, Fluttershy begins an undying trend of honesty about every minor detail, and she takes it too far.

CLICK TO READ Episode 5: Style and Error

(This is a preliminary version that I might revise to ensure adherence to proper formatting.  The document is subject to change.)

Update:  I have reformatted Episode 1:  High Flying Fiasco!  To download the new version, scroll down and check the original post for Episode 1 below.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

The 8 Parody Songs of DOOM

This is just a quick update to announce that I'm shifting back over to script-writing.  After some time creating song parodies, I'll be stopping the output of those for the immediate future.  I wanted to post a listing of the lyrics to those songs that I've written and released, so if you want to look at a text file of those lyrics, you can find that here:


Over this past weekend, I cranked out a detailed outline of Season 3.14, Episode 7.  This episode is more for the thrill-seekers than for those into all the gushy lovey-dovey stuff.  Episodes 5 and 6 both are half-written, and I plan to pick them back up this weekend.  If I really push, I can get those two (and maybe episode 7, too?) released by June 20th, the day I leave for Trotcon.


So I'll see you there!

Oh yeah.  The songs themselves are at youtube.com/seekerthepegasus

Thursday, May 1, 2014

My Parody Songs!

Hey you dingledangs!  Did you know that I have made several pony parody songs, reworking the lyrics of popular songs to joke about MLP-related themes?

Check them all out at www.youtube.com/seekerthepegasus.  I have 8 released so far, and I plan on doing at least one more.

In other news, I'm going to be at Trotcon in Columbus, Ohio, during the weekend of June 21.  See you there!

Monday, March 31, 2014

Episode 4: A Guy Thing

Click below to download the 4th episode of Season Pi!

Synopsis:  Seeker leaves Spike behind with no masculine characters to associate with.  Deciding that he has had enough engagement in feminine activities, Spike seeks to fill the void by searching for some manly friends.

CLICK TO READ Episode 4: A Guy Thing

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Episode 3: Apple Of My Eye

It's time for episode 3, originally released in June 2013, and updated the following month.  Download the RTF file by clicking below!

Synopsis:  The last episode including the map-making pegasus reveals that he has a crush on a certain Ponyville mare.  As he ruins his chances by making a fool out of himself in her presence, a dynamic duo conspires to being the mare and the colt together, so that they may live happily ever after.

CLICK TO READ Episode 3- Apple Of My Eye

Episode 2: Hat of a Different Color

Click below to download the second episode, originally released in March 2013.  This one's a big ball of chaos, and, like all my releases, it's in an RTF format.

Synopsis:  As the map-making colt continues his stay in Ponyville, he finds that his beloved hat has been stolen.  The hat goes on a chaotic journey all around Ponyville, and events reveal that his hat isn't the only thing that's been snatched.

CLICK TO READ Episode 2- Hat of a Different Color

UPDATE 7/6/14:  Formatting has been revised!  Check out the easier-to-read version!

Episode 1: High Flying Fiasco

Click on the link below to download the first episode!  It was originally released in January 2013.  The file is in an RTF format.

Synopsis:  A new pegasus pony flies into town for a few weeks.  Because of this pony's job of surveying the land below him to make maps of Equestria, he flies very high in the sky--higher than Rainbow Dash is willing to go.  Now that Rainbow Dash feels like she's been outdone, she becomes frustrated and envious.

CLICK TO READ Episode 1: High Flying Fiasco