Wednesday, May 28, 2014

The 8 Parody Songs of DOOM

This is just a quick update to announce that I'm shifting back over to script-writing.  After some time creating song parodies, I'll be stopping the output of those for the immediate future.  I wanted to post a listing of the lyrics to those songs that I've written and released, so if you want to look at a text file of those lyrics, you can find that here:

Over this past weekend, I cranked out a detailed outline of Season 3.14, Episode 7.  This episode is more for the thrill-seekers than for those into all the gushy lovey-dovey stuff.  Episodes 5 and 6 both are half-written, and I plan to pick them back up this weekend.  If I really push, I can get those two (and maybe episode 7, too?) released by June 20th, the day I leave for Trotcon.


So I'll see you there!

Oh yeah.  The songs themselves are at

Thursday, May 1, 2014

My Parody Songs!

Hey you dingledangs!  Did you know that I have made several pony parody songs, reworking the lyrics of popular songs to joke about MLP-related themes?

Check them all out at  I have 8 released so far, and I plan on doing at least one more.

In other news, I'm going to be at Trotcon in Columbus, Ohio, during the weekend of June 21.  See you there!