Monday, March 31, 2014

Episode 4: A Guy Thing

Click below to download the 4th episode of Season Pi!

Synopsis:  Seeker leaves Spike behind with no masculine characters to associate with.  Deciding that he has had enough engagement in feminine activities, Spike seeks to fill the void by searching for some manly friends.

CLICK TO READ Episode 4: A Guy Thing

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Episode 3: Apple Of My Eye

It's time for episode 3, originally released in June 2013, and updated the following month.  Download the RTF file by clicking below!

Synopsis:  The last episode including the map-making pegasus reveals that he has a crush on a certain Ponyville mare.  As he ruins his chances by making a fool out of himself in her presence, a dynamic duo conspires to being the mare and the colt together, so that they may live happily ever after.

CLICK TO READ Episode 3- Apple Of My Eye

Episode 2: Hat of a Different Color

Click below to download the second episode, originally released in March 2013.  This one's a big ball of chaos, and, like all my releases, it's in an RTF format.

Synopsis:  As the map-making colt continues his stay in Ponyville, he finds that his beloved hat has been stolen.  The hat goes on a chaotic journey all around Ponyville, and events reveal that his hat isn't the only thing that's been snatched.

CLICK TO READ Episode 2- Hat of a Different Color

UPDATE 7/6/14:  Formatting has been revised!  Check out the easier-to-read version!

Episode 1: High Flying Fiasco

Click on the link below to download the first episode!  It was originally released in January 2013.  The file is in an RTF format.

Synopsis:  A new pegasus pony flies into town for a few weeks.  Because of this pony's job of surveying the land below him to make maps of Equestria, he flies very high in the sky--higher than Rainbow Dash is willing to go.  Now that Rainbow Dash feels like she's been outdone, she becomes frustrated and envious.

CLICK TO READ Episode 1: High Flying Fiasco


Welcome to the online home of one of my quirkiest creative pursuits!  My name is Paul, and I'm a 24-year-old fan of the children's television series, "My Little Pony:  Friendship is Magic."  I wanted to try my hand at writing TV teleplays for a cartoon, and this is the TV show that inspired me to get started.  You could consider my works as "fanfiction," though that word breeds a negative connotation; however, I assure you that the episodes I have envisioned stay true to the canon, innocence, and intended audience of the original show.  I simply wanted to try my hand at playing the same game as Amy Keating Rogers, Charlotte Fullerton, M. A. Larson, and the other writers, and I intend to perpetuate the same vision that they have carried out for this show, free of all perversions and distortions of the original canon.  With characters so rich and dynamic, MLP:FiM is loads of fun to write.  If you can't get enough of the show, download the teleplays that I've written and read them, so you can see even more pony action in the magical television that lies inside your (((MIND))).

The whole of this project will consist of thirteen episodes; you might think of them as the second half of Season 3, which only had 13 episodes instead of the usual 26.  That's why I call my episodes Season 3.14159....  Episodes 1 through 3 were released sometime in 2013, and they will be posted shortly.  These are the only episodes that include my original character, a map-making pegasus named Seeker.  The premises of all remaining episodes have been devised, including the featured characters and the main conflict at hand--I just have to write the action!  Follow this blog for updates on new episodes getting released, so that you can experience more of that friendship-based magic you pony-fans love so much.

aka "Seeker", as I'm known among the brony crowd